On this, the last sheaf of paper in my time of day book, I write a finishing entry, a summerizational passage, assemblage the intimately momentous of happenings since the onset of radiation deva pose. Early on, both hearty goods became scarce, necessities were in high demand, and it could take hour to stand by something as simple as milk. Lieutenant air consequence officer Peter Holmes, who as well stick outs in Melbourne with his wife and their daughter, was called on assignment to go on lineup the U.S.S. Scorpion, the only remaining naval submarine. His commanding officer, Commander Dwight Towers, is an American and throughout the remainder of his life he is unrivaled of the mint here who have much difficulty act with the incident that not only are their families and friends all dead, except that they alike will be dead shortly. The sub left extend to port to search for traces of life, be they veget adequate, animal, or human, but returned with no luck. This, although in my heart of hearts I knew as to be the case, made me depressed, but I picked my self back up again, because I feel that there is no reason to last out my remaining days in depression until the ailment consumes me, while everyone else in the world is either dead or dying.

The sub set out again, to search for life on the California coast and to explore the possibility of a maintenance person sending out a radio lay from Seattle, or what they think is Seattle anyway. When they docked family again, they were a crew ingredient short, as he had chosen to stay in his home townspeople - to die among his family I suppose - and this was saddening, ! but I was able to take it in stride more easy than the intelligence activity that the radio... If you want to get a full essay, articulate it on our website:
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