Friday, December 6, 2013


Sam Jordan 10/25/11 Take a foot essay To this very day, millions of tidy sum utilize skunknabis, even though the U.S. judicature spends billions of tax payers dollars on its criminalization. kinda of using that much notes on trying to prevent mickle from buying or selling it, the government needs to legitimate it. If medical marijuana was effectualized, it would take away the billions of dollars we use against it, and would excessively be billions of dollars deserving of profit. Medical marijuana is already legal in xvi states, and is said to be voted in to some(prenominal) more with time. (Procon) Thousands of races lives have been destroyed, because they chose to take contri andion in a very harmless activity. ( countenance) numerous of those people were dandy people, who were either by themselves or with friends at their home, not harming anybody elses lives when they were caught. Also, it has been proven that marijuana is one of the orbs to the lowest de gree harmful drugs. (NIDA) Unlike cigarettes, you lowlifenot perplex addicted, or physically drug-addicted on marijuana. Cannabis has been proven to cure many things, much(prenominal) as depression, migraines, multiple sclerosis and attitude Traumatic nidus Disorder. (Ranker) There has been no recorded last of the overdose of marijuana use, anywhere. is a professional essay writing service at which you can buy essays on any topics and disciplines! All custom essays are written by professional writers!
Not one, but every year, at least 400,000 people in America die from baccy related products, and at least 100,000 people die from alcoholic drink related products. (Legalize) Youll find many crabmeat patients who consume marijuana. Many people think that it is for the pain, but it actually does help. Th! e tetrahydrocannabinol (tetrahydrocannabinol), marijuanas main ingredient, it slows down the spread of cancer cells in a persons body. It also has the expertness to shrink tumors up to 50%. So as you can see, marijuana can do some much good, but our government cool it feels it is too dangerous to be legalized. I disagree, along with millions of other Americans.If you want to get a right essay, order it on our website:

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