Thursday, April 18, 2019

Obesity in America Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Obesity in America - Essay example devil out of every three adults are either over encumbrance or obese. (Obesity in America) Two out of three adults, this is spreading at a very alarming pace and something concrete should be done rough this. We put on pack when we consume more calories than we burn, eating anything and everything is fine as long as we are able to burn it but the problem starts when one begins to put on weight, the desire to flex muscles drastically reduce when one starts putting on weight, the persons stamina takes a toll and he starts feeling lazy, this is just the tip of the iceberg.There are a superfluity of problems which come with obesity the biggest of them all is overspending. Obese people are prone to spending they indulge in unwanted fantasies which are both expensive and unhealthy. For instance, a person who loves eating chocolate cakes would never drive enough of it and would definitely eat as many as plausible even after penetrative the fact that he is obese, this is where self-importance- harbour comes into play but obese people have no self control which is why they turn obese. Some people whitethorn have genetic problem and may be excluded but most others have very little or no self control overall. If Americans have such a large problem with their weight, why dont they do something about it? They are trying. There is much money being spent on obesity in America. food market research firm, Market data, found that Americans spent 59 billion dollars on weight loss in 2008. All of that money spent and only 2 percent of the people who actually lose weight will be able to keep the weight off longer than 5 years. ( exercising weight Loss Attempts)Weight loss pills are nothing but eyewash, the biggest problem is not being able to stay fit, lead thirty minutes a day is more than good enough to be fit. There is some other problem, some obese people do get lucky, they shed a little bit of weight by

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