Friday, August 9, 2019

Skydiving company Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Skydiving company - Essay Example This is to ensure that the business will not suffer from problems which may occur after implementation of the business (Kyle 32). The measures that would be used to assess employees in order to hire them into my company are interviews, work samples, cognitive ability tests and personality inventories. The interview is one of the more vulnerable methods of hiring that can have the disparate impact through which a lawsuit could be the result. The interview process, of the four measures listed, is the most intimate and subjective measure through which a hiring practice is implemented. It is a crucial element of hiring, but also creates an atmosphere that can instigate discriminatory actions, or the perceptions of discriminatory practices. In the interview the potential employee will likely reveal their gender, age, ethnicity, any obvious physical disabilities, and possibly their sexual orientation, all of which cannot be the reason for denying them employment through various discrimination laws. These groups are vulnerable as disadvantaged groups within society. According to Utts, the United States government has determined that if the rates of passing on hires that are classified as minorities exceeds four fifths of the number of passes on the majority then discriminatory hiring practices are being represented (231). In order to prevent an accusation of discriminatory hiring practices based on any of the criteria that could be a basis for such an accusation, records of specific reasons for which a person was passed on for hiring must be kept as a defense. When a disadvantaged individual sues a person in a court of law, one should use evidence which is in the form of documents to support the defense of actions that were taken (Schneid 12). It is not legal to deny employment to a person who is deaf. Title 1 of the American Disability Act prohibits

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