Sunday, March 3, 2019

Child Abuse and Neglect Essay

Almost one in either blow electric razorren gets do byd in the United States, and it happens forevery day. Child vitiate is when a baby bird is physically, sexually, emotionally, and mentally ill-treated. Sexual exploitation, neglect, abandonment, and maltreatment are in addition forms of abuse. visible abuse includes but not limited to, throwing kicking, burning, or cutting a sister. Striking them with a closed fist shaking them when they are downstairs the age of three, interfering with their breathing, threatening them with a deadly weapon, or doing either other act that is likely to give the child bodily harm and other minor to major injuries to their health, welfare, and safety. Sexual abuse is committing or allowing to be committed to any sexual offense against a child as defined in the criminal code and sexual exploitations when a child is prostituted, be filming in pornographic acts, or being a part of a live action of pornographic acts. Neglect and maltreatm ent is when the child is not provided with an adequate amount of food, shelter, clothing, supervision, or health safeguard.Abandonment is when a child is deserted by their shielder, left without food, water, shelter, clothing, hygiene, and medical healthcare, or when the guardian is just not doing things they are supposed to do for a child, they abate themselves from their duties. We are all mandatory reporters. Meaning that any citizen that sees anything suspicious should report, or if you know of a child being mistreated and dont report, you are just as guilty. Almost five children die every day as a result of child abuse. Child abuse is no doubt a hidden epidemic in our gild today. Ninety percent of child sexual abuse victims know the perpetrators in some flair sixty-eight percent are abused by family members. Child abuse also happens no matter how rich or execrable you are, doesnt matter what color you are, and it doesnt matter how saucy or dumb you are.Thirty percent of w omen in prison were abused as children, and sixty percent of people in drug replacement centers report being abused or neglected as a child, and are 3.8 times more likely to develop drug addictions. about thirty percent ofabused and neglected as children will stay on the cycle with their children as well. Eighty percent of twenty-one year olds that were abused as children met at least one criteria for a psychological disorder. in like manner abused children are twenty-five percent more likely to recognise jejune pregnancy.I look child abuse is inclining locally because drugs are becoming more known in materialisationer generations, and their also experimenting sexually earlier, and not being safe about which leads to more teen pregnancies. Some of the reasons child abuse occurs in the first place is because of young parents and drugs/alcohol. So if the rate at which those things or more rapidly happening, and at a younger age, the child abuse rate is bound to incline. It do esnt help that we are a bad drug city and we harbour one of the highest count of child abuse cases in our city.One way to help jibe and pr tear downt child abuse is to recognize it, sapidity for the signs and report it. Make your children aware of sexual abuse, teach them the proper names, and recognize them that if anyone tries to engage with them in a way that their private parts are involved, to tell their support person. Teach young parents how to take care of their children before they leave the hospital. Never discipline children when your anger is out of control, ever leave your children unattended. Listen and believe them. If you see child abuse happening, stop it, dont let it happen.To help end abuse, first you should get wind how to recognize it in the first place. Child abuse will never truly come to an end, but there are ways to pip sure it happens less. CPS demand to better investigate into cases. If youve ever need the child called it and then you would know t hat if they go to the house and everything checks out, they believe it. I think they should go deeper into the investigation, if that means surveillance outside their house for a week then so be it. CPS also needs to better background check their own foster parents.I see on the news a while back that CPS executive program was abusing the kids she was fostering. CPS is supposed to be a safe haven for kids to go, moreover they go to further get abused. I myself was in foster care, and my parents werent the nicest. Its hard to honestly say anything about improving families considering we arent in there every day life, and we may not even know them. How we can best help families is tomake child abuse awareness more public and known, and if we come across a family that has this problem, then intervene.I couldnt find much on factors of abuse being heredity, but what I could find is that it is not heredity. What generally happens is the child grows up with the type of abuse they know, a nd because thats all they know, thats how they talk their love to their child. Not all abused grow up to do the same to their children, I assume the ones most mentally scarred and got psychological problems from it, grow up to do the same.I dont think that our society is necessarily feeding the abuse to anybody. I dont really know who would, thats a touchy subject in the first place. Although I can infer that all of the drug, drinking, partying, and sexual intimation that is seen everywhere is what is feeding to a worse environment for our society. Drugs, alcohol, and partying is such a huge and wide topic everywhere you go in our society, because of that, its more common.Although no one can honestly end child abuse, it is something that we can make more known so that all the poor children that are dying and suffering everyday can also be loved and saved. Learn the signs, report anything unusual.

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